Macro progress for micro-credentials under the mesoscope
So, a bridge is being built across informal learning and micro-credentialing, and formal education frameworks. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) recently held a consultation on recognising micro-credentials , based on a consultation paper . NZQA also reports on three pilot studies that completed in June 2018. Recognising micro-credentials is not without its challenges , so work in this space is very timely. This is a remarkably forward-thinking move, with admirable motivation: These pilots are a stepping stone to NZQA developing a full micro-credential system, so that employers and learners can access the skills they need throughout their lifetime. This is becoming even more important as the nature of work continues to change. The outcome is a new system for recognising micro-credentials , now in place. It's important to note that the new scheme does not seek to recognise all individual MOOCs or even collections of MOOC completions (perhaps these will come l...