
Showing posts from April, 2018

On pedagogy: I of II

I'm gradually working through Matt Bower's Design oftechnology-enhanced learning . I'd have read it by now but for the desire to take it reflectively and to blog my thoughts and impressions, which is actually a solid endorsement for Matt's work! It's given me the opportunity to consider my own perspectives of TEL based on the ideas of someone who's clearly given it a lot of thought, and who has a broad, coherent view as to its effective practice. This is post 1 of 2; this first sets out my own perspective of pedagogy as a step toward consideration of Matt's chapter called "Pedagogy and Technology-Enhanced Learning".   The next post will consider the -isms Matt discusses in his third chapter.  So, in his third chapter, Bower confronts the spectre of pedagogy . I say spectre, because it's a word with mixed reviews in my experience; people either assume they know enough about what it is, or else have never heard of it. When it comes to ped...

Teaching at a distance using lecture capture

Elevator tale:  Lecture capture is often used to make lectures available to students who couldn't attend class - but they are sometimes also used as the basis for extending on-campus provision into distance education. This post suggests ways of maximising lecture capture for the purposes of distance students, who can often feel like second-class citizens when watching recorded classes. Technical, presentation and pedagogical tips are included.  Synchronous lecture capture is a distance education approach often used to provide study options for students unable to attend a class. It is a very accessible means of extending education beyond the classroom. It is also widely used as an incidental optional output for on-campus students looking to revise, or who else may have missed a lecture. If capturing synchronous lectures for the purposes of educating at a distance is your goal, read on! From a distance learner's perspective, synchronous lecture capture can be an alienating m...