Kor blimey... Text on-screen?
Kortext have released a report, University of the Future: Transforming learning and improving value ( here to go straight to the PDF ). Main finding, from "the UK's leading provider of digital textbooks and learning solutions" is, surprisingly - " 89% of students would be more likely to attend a university that enables online collaboration and note sharing and access to the latest editions of textbooks". I wonder where they might find a vendor for such a service...? OK. Way too much sarcasm. Let's unpack the report. To begin with, the report has been researched independently by 3GEM . I have no doubts as to the validity of the responses. The headline findings are also arresting at first glance - until you try to extend some of them... "69% say that getting core textbooks included in course fees would represent greater value for money." So, 31% believe that spending on texts in addition to course fees would not represent greater value...? ...