
Showing posts from October, 2016

EDEN Research Workshop #9: Day Two

The day began with a series of back-to-back keynotes; livestream here . Keynotes were all excellent and drew from their existing work: Paul Prinsloo's "The Increasing (Im)Possibilities of Justice and Care in Oopen, Distance Learning" drew on his and colleagues' IRRODL work Educational Triage in Open Distance Learning: Walking a Moral Tightrope and Big(ger) Data as Better Data in Open Distance Learning .  Isa Jahnke's "Studying Learning Expeditions in Cross Action Spaces with Digital Didactical Designs" from her book Digital Didactical Designs:  Teaching and Learning in CrossActionSpaces . Looks so good I bought it from Amazon...  George Veletsianos's "A Scholarly Life Online" drew from his own web site's  scholar's use of social media  (also, his keynote slides here ).  The first parallel session I attended was excellent, with two presentations. Kristie Naidoo from UNISA gave a presentation called "Integration of Learni...

EDEN Research Workshop #9: Oldenburg, Germany

Yes, another conference! I attended the EDEN Research Workshop mainly in my capacity as an Executive Member of EDEN, which is not to underplay the significance or relevance of the event to my work. And yes, Oldenburg is lovely. Day One The opening keynotes from Inge de Waard, Olaf Zawacki-Richter and Som Naidu were followed by a welcome from Otto Peters (yes, THE Otto Peters  - one of the theorists who shaped my understanding of distance education at the foundational level). Inge spoke from her research into lifelong learning and student-centredness. Her keynote "Self-determined Learning: Lifelong Learning in an Open Range or Fenced Land?" referred somewhat to some of her earlier work . Inge emphasised the importance of academics finding their voice; one key question she raised was, "Do all citizens, from birth, have the agency to self-determine their lifelong learning?" Olaf and Som presented based on their recent paper, " Mapping research trends from...