A critical foundation: resource-based and lecture-based education
Of fundamental importance of TEL implementation is the context in which it is applied. I like to draw a distinction between resource-based and lecture-based contexts. Both make different assumptions of how TEL should be implemented, and ultimately determine the shape TEL takes in education. The distinction between resource-based and lecture-based education was first made in: Seelig, Caroline, and Mark Nichols. “New Zealand: Open Polytechnic.” In Perspectives on Distance Education: Using ICTs and Blended Learning in Transforming TVET , edited by Colin Latchem. Vancouver: Commonwealth of Learning and UNESCO-UNEVOC, in press. Resource-based provision: Has a team of experts responsible for learning design; tends to be based on a division of labour Focuses on the generation of (usually written) course materials Typically assumes an independent learner Lecture-based provision: Has a lecturer or academic as subject expert and author; may also involve additional spec...